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(9 units total)

Select one course from each category:

(A1) Oral Communication

(3 units)

  • COMM-01, 01H, 04, 05

(A2) Written Communication [AP accepted]

(3 units)

  • ENGL-01A

(A3) Critical Thinking

(3 units)

  • ENGL-01C, 13, 13H

  • PHIL-10, 12, 13, 13H

Area B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning

(9 units total)

A minimum of 9 units is required with one course each from areas B1, B2, and B4. At least one of the courses must be a lab course from B3 (Lab courses are underlined under B1 and B2):

(B1) Physical Science [AP, IB, & CLEP accepted]

(3 units)

  • AGPS-05

  • ARCH-01

  • ASTR-01

  • CHEM-02A, 02B, 04A, 04B

  • GEOG-01, 15

  • GEOL-01, 02, 03

  • PHSC-01, 02

  • PHYS-02A, 02B, 04A, 04B, 04C, 10

(B2) Life Science [AP, IB, & CLEP accepted]

(3 units)

  • AGPS-01

  • ANTH-01

  • BIOL-01, 02, 04A, 04B, 06, 09, 16, 18, 20, 32

  • PSYC-15*

(B3) Laboratory Activity

  • AGPS-01, 05

  • ANTH-01

  • ASTR-01L

  • BIOL-01, 02, 04A, 04B, 16, 18, 20, 32L

  • CHEM-02A, 02B, 04A, 04B

  • GEOG-01L

  • GEOL-01, 02, 03

  • PHSC-01L, 02L

  • PHYS-02A, 02B, 04A, 04B, 04C

(B4) Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning [AP, IB, & CLEP accepted]

(3 units)

  • CPSC-07

  • MATH-02, 02H, 03, 04A, 04B, 04C, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 15, 20A, 20B, 22, 25, 26, 27

  • PSYC-05


(9 units total)

A minimum of 9 semester units are required with at least one course from each area:

(C1) Arts (Art, Music, Theater) [AP & IB accepted]

(3-6 units)

  • ART-01, 02, 03, 06, 15

  • ARTD-07, 08, 40A, 40B

  • ENGL-14, 15

  • ETHN-11

  • MUSG-10, 12, 13, 14, 15

  • PHOT-33, 36

  • THTR-01*, 04

(C2) Humanities (Literature, Philosophy, and Foreign Language) [AP, IB, & CLEP accepted]

(3-6 units)

  • ASLG-01, 02

  • ENGL-01B, 04A, 04B, 05, 06A, 06B, 07, 08, 10, 11, 18, 19*

  • ETHN- 15, 18, 19

  • FREN-01, 02, 03, 04

  • GERN-01, 02, 03, 04

  • HIST-03A, 03B, 04A, 04B, 05, 09A, 09B, 17A, 17AH, 17B, 17BH, 19, 29*

  • HMNG-01, 02

  • HUM-01, 01H, 02, 02H, 15*, 21

  • JPNS-01A, 01B, 02

  • PHIL-01, 01H, 02*, 03, 04, 05, 15

  • SPAN-01, 02, 03, 04, 10, 11

  • THTR-01*


(6 units total)

A minimum of 6 semester units (courses can be in the same disciplines) are required from the following:

(D) Social Sciences [AP, IB, & CLEP accepted]

(6 units)

  • AGBS-11

  • AGRI-10

  • ANTH-02, 10

  • CLDV-01, 02

  • COMM-30

  • CRIM-01

  • ECON-01, 02

  • ETHN-01, 05, 12, 15, 20, 22, 23

  • GEOG-02, 12

  • HIST-03A, 03B, 04A, 04B, 05, 07, 10, 17A, 17AH, 17B, 17BH, 19, 20, 22, 23, 29*

  • HUM-15*

  • NUTR-12

  • PHIL-02*

  • POSC-01, 02, 03, 04

  • PSYC-01A, 01AH, 15, 22, 23*, 25, 36

  • SOC-01, 02, 03, 04, 05*, 06


(3 units total)

A minimum of 3 units (of which only two units may be physical activity) are required from the following:

(E) Integrated Organism [CLEP accepted]

(3 units)

  • CLDV-01, 02, 09

  • GUID-30

  • HLTH-10

  • NUTR-10

  • PSYC-09, 22, 23, 40

  • REGN-34

    Physical Activity (two unit maximum)

  • ATHL-01D, 01F, 01K, 01L, 02A, 02B, 02D, 02F, 02G, 02I, 02K

  • KINE-09, 12B, 15, 16, 17, 20, 30, 32, 35, 36, 41, 42

Area F - Ethnic studies

(3 units total)

A minimum of 3 units are required from the following:

(F) Ethnic Studies

(3 units)

  • ENGL-19*

  • ETHN-01, 05, 12, 15, 19, 20, 23*

  • HIST-20, 23

  • HUM-15*

  • SOC-05*

Minimum total Partial csu-ge certification

39 units total

CSU United States History, Constitution and American Ideals

The American Institutions Requirement (AIR) (U.S. History, Constitution, California State and Local Government) as well as requirements for Political and Economic Institutions may be met by completion of one of the following sequences:

  • Sequence A:

    HIST-17A or HIST-17AH (both meet US-1 and US-2) AND

    HIST-17B or HIST-17BH (both meet US-1 and US-3)

  • Sequence B:

    HIST-17A or HIST-17AH or HIST-17B or HIST-17BH or HIST-22 (US-1) AND

    POSC-01 (US-2 AND US-3)

Students satisfy this CSU graduation requirement through coursework in three areas:

US-1: Historical development of American institutions and ideals

US-2: U.S. Constitution and government

US-3: California state and local government Conditions:

● This requirement may be met before or after transfer to the CSU.

● Students who want to fulfill this requirement with courses taken before Fall, 2004 should consult their college catalogs.

● If a course is approved for more than one US Area above, a student may use the course to satisfy all areas listed.

● US-1 may be completed with a score of 3 or higher on Advanced Placement US History.

● US-2 (but not US-3) may be completed with a score of 3 or higher on Advanced Placement US Government & Politics.

● At the discretion of the CSU Campus granting the degree, courses meeting this requirement may also be counted toward certification In general education (GE Breadth or IGETC).

Check with your counselor for details.

*Courses listed in multiple areas shall not be certified in more than one area, except CSU History Constitution, and American Ideals Graduation Requirement.

Updated MARCH 2023

Reference: ASSIST and CSU EO 1100