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Agriculture Animal Science A.S.-T. Degree (01100.AST)

School of Agriculture and Industrial Technology

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The Animal Science curriculum at Merced College is designed to meet the need for trained personnel in a broad range of occupational opportunities involved with or related to the Animal Science field.

The Associate in Science in Agriculture Animal Science for Transfer degree is designed for students looking to obtain a well-rounded education in Agriculture Animal Science. Upon completion, students with an AS-T in Agriculture Animal Science will be eligible to transfer with junior standing into an equivalent major within the California State University (CSU) system. Students will be given priority consideration when applying to a particular program that is similar to the student’s community college area of emphasis. Upon completion of the AS-T in Agriculture Animal Science, students will be able to:

Program Student Learning Outcomes:

A. Demonstrate basic understanding in genetic, reproduction, nutrition and housing of livestock.

B. Demonstrate the ability to learn animal science reproduction practices.

C. Appraise diverse ethnical practices within livestock industry.

For an Associate in Science in Agriculture Animal Science for Transfer (AS-T), students must complete the following:

  1. 60 semester CSU-transferable units.

  2. the California State University General Education (CSU-GE) pattern OR the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern.

  3. a minimum of 18 semester in the major or area of emphasis as determined by the community college district.

  4. obtainment of a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0.

  5. earn a grade of C (or P) or better in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis.

Note: Students are not required to complete any additional local graduation requirements for the AS-T (e.g., PE and Computer and Information Literacy courses).

Visit the Program Mapper for more information on when to take classes and career information.

Program Requirements:

Program Core: (25-26 Units)
Required Core (13-14 units)


AGAS-01 Elements of Animal Science


AGAB-05 Agricultural Economics (3)
ECON-01 Introduction to Economics (3)


CHEM-02A Introductory Chemistry (4)
CHEM-04A General Chemistry I (5)


MATH-10 Elementary Statistics (3)
PSYC-05 Introduction to Statistics in Psychology (3)


List A: Area 1: Animal Production

Select a minimum of 3 units from the following:
AGAS-11 Horse Husbandry (3)
AGAS-12 Beef Production (3)
AGAS-13 Sheep and Meat Goat Science (3)
AGAS-14 Swine Production (3)
AGAS-15 Elements of Dairy (3)


List A: Area 2: Animal Health

Select a minimum of 3 units from the following:
AGAS-04 Elements of Animal Nutrition (3)


List B: Electives

Select 6 units from the following:
Any List A course not already used above.
AGAS-02 Livestock Breeding and Selection (3)
AGPS-11 Forage Crops (3)


Total Units toward the Major: (25-26 Units)

Total Units that may be double counted: (-10 Units)

General Education (CSU-GE or IGETC) Units: (37-39 Units)

Elective (CSU Transferable) Units: (7-8 Units)

Total Degree Units: (60 Units)

Programs of Similar Interest:

Contact Information


Bryan Tassey


(209) 384-6250

School Office

AGIT Office


(209) 381-6478

Animal Science Website