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Accounting Certificate (05000.CT)

School of Business and Economics

Making good decisions is critical for success in any business enterprise.

Accounting plays a vital role in providing information needed to make knowledgeable financial decisions. The information supplied by accounting is in the form of quantitative data, primarily financial in nature, and relates to specific economic entities. An economic entity may be an individual, a business enterprise, or a nonprofit organization. Every entity, regardless of its size or purpose, must have a way to keep track of its economic activities and to measure how well it is accomplishing its goals. Accounting provides the means for tracking activities and measuring results.

Without accounting information, many important financial decisions would be made blindly. Investors, for example, would have no way to distinguish between a profitable company and one that is on the verge of failure; bankers could not evaluate the riskiness of potential loans; managers would have no basis for controlling costs, setting prices, or controlling the company’s resources; and government would have no basis for taxing income.

Thus, accounting is a service activity designed to accumulate, measure, and communicate financial information to various decision makers, such as investors, creditors, and managers.

A Certificate of Achievement will be awarded upon the satisfactory completion of 30 units of course work in this area of study which includes the core courses indicated for the A.A. Degree in Accounting.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

A. Read, analyze, evaluate, and communicate, both orally and in written form, an appropriate financial interpretation of the material, including proper maintenance of accounting records using the basics of bookkeeping.

B. Analyze, make computations and solve a variety of complex accounting problems and scenarios.

C. Apply analytical and critical thinking skills to contemplate a given accounting scenario and propose a solution after contemplating a variety of courses of action.

Visit the Program Mapper for more information on when to take classes and career information.

Program Requirements

Program Core: (30 Units)


ACTG-04A Financial Accounting


ACTG-04B Managerial Accounting


ACTG-31 Computerized Accounting


ACTG-51 Applied Accounting


AOM-30 Introduction to Computer Applications


BUS-10 Introduction to Business


BUS-18A Business Law


Plus six units from the following:

ACTG-52 Payroll Records and Accounting (3)
ACTG-53 Fundamentals of Income Tax Accounting (3)


Total: (30 Units)

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Contact Information


Caroline Dawson


(209) 384-6120

School Office



(209) 381-6478

Accounting Website